The Snow Queen Wiki Information
Snow Queen
may refer to:
- The Snow Queen
, an 1845 fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen
Adaptations of the Andersen fairy tale
- The Snow Queen
(1957 film), a 1957 Soviet animated film
- The Snow Queen
(novel), a 1980 science fiction novel by Joan D. Vinge
- "The Snow Queen" (Faerie Tale Theatre
episode), a 1985 Faerie Tale Theatre
episode, starring Melissa Gilbert
- Snow Queen
(2002 film), a 2002 American fantasy film, starring Bridget Fonda
- The Snow Queen
(anime), a 2005 Japanese anime series
- The Snow Queen
(2005 film), a 2005 BBC TV-movie
Other drama
- The Snow Queen
(TV series), a 2006 Korean TV drama by KBS
Other uses
- Snow Queen (album) by Sofia Rotaru
- Snow Queen Vodka, a vodka made in Kazakhstan
- Snow Queen Trophy, a women's slalom race of the Alpine skiing World Cup on Zagreb's mountaintop "Sljeme"
- Snow Queen (derogatory), a gay black man that is attracted to gay white men.
pl:Królowa Sniegu (ujednoznacznienie)
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