The Swedish House Mafia
is a group of three popular house DJs and producers; Axwell, Steve Angello, and Sebastian Ingrosso.˜ [1] Eric Prydz is a former member of the group.
Their website features all four artists as part of the Swedish House Mafia; However Sebastian Ingrosso has stated that because Eric Prydz has moved to London he is no longer considered part of the Swedish House Mafia. [2] The trio remain close with Eric Prydz, also known as Pryda, supporting many of his tracks in their sets. [3] Prydz has mentioned that they often send and receive tracks from each other through instant messaging. [4]
Axwell has said the formation of the Swedish House Mafia occurred when he moved to Stockholm and met Sebastian Ingrosso while drinking, he later met Steve Angello through Ingrosso.
[5] "The name is just a random thought.", as described by Steve Angello, it occurred outside a 7 Eleven at late night while drinking coffee. They later adopted the slogan of "Made In Sweden" featured in their logo. [6]